Tooth Bonding & Contouring
What Is Dental Bonding?
Dental bonding is a technique that has been used in dentistry for countless years. Dental composite bonding is a sought after choice for fillings because they can match the shade and translucency of teeth and gives you a much better result than old silver fillings. Bonding wont be suitable if you have larger cavities in your teeth as the material doesn’t have a very strong structure over larger sized areas. Bonding is perfect for small or medium sized fillings that are not exposed to great forces. The largest disadvantages of bondings are that they do not have the strength of other materials used in restoration such as ceramic or porcelain and they have a greater tendency to stain than your natural tooth or porcelain.
Bonding is a quick and affordable way to correct a variety of dental flaws such as:
- Cracks
- Discoloration
- Closing gaps between teeth
- Low Bite Pressure (caused by short or uneven teeth)
- Tooth Decay
- Filling dental cavities with white fillings
- Replacing metal or amalgam fillings
- Reshaping teeth
- Composite veneers (although porcelain veneers are a better long term option)
- Repairing broken or chipped teeth
If you have any of these dental issues you may be a good candidate for bonding.
How Does Bonding Work?
After inspecting the tooth in question, your dentist will select a color for the composite resin (the material used in bonding) that most closely matches your tooth. He or she will then roughen the outer layer of your tooth, removing a minimal amount of tooth enamel, and apply a strong adhesive that will help the resin stick. Your dentist will then shape the resin to fill in any cracks or gaps or change the contours of your tooth. Afterwards, a dental light is used to “bond” the material to your tooth. A local anesthetic is generally only required when tooth decay or nerve damage is involved.
How Long Does Bonding Take?
Dental bonding can be performed in a single visit, unless you’re having several teeth bonded. The procedure usually takes between an hour and two. If you’re having your teeth lengthened, it might take a few days for you to get accustomed to them.
How Long Does Bonding Last?
The composite resin used in bonding can last up to 10 years before it needs to be repaired or replaced.
How Much Does Dental Bonding Cost?
Dental Bonding typically costs between $100 and $600 per tooth, and the cost can vary depending on the extent of work required and the skill level of the dentist.
Is Bonding Covered By My Dental Insurance?
Most insurers will cover some or most of the cost of bonding, especially when its purpose is reconstructive rather than cosmetic. To find out more about bonding or to schedule an appointment with The Doctors Berger, please call or e-mail us today!